Request for Public Comment – Schedule of Charges

Bellingham/Whatcom County Housing Authorities
FY 2025 Schedule of Estimated Material and Labor Charges

The Bellingham & Whatcom County Housing Authorities (BWCHA) are proposing revisions to the FY 2025 Schedule of Estimated Material and Labor Charges. The Schedule of Charges represents charges that may be assessed for the cost of cleaning and/or repair and replacement of damaged items due to neglect or abuse by the resident, a family member, or a guest of the resident. The anticipated implementation date of this revised schedule is January 1st, 2025.

At this time, we are seeking the input of BWCHA residents, community partners and interested community members to provide feedback on the proposed revisions before they are reviewed and approved by the BWCHA Board of Commissioners. The Schedule of Charges may be viewed below or by request.

The public comment period will begin October 11th, 2024 and end on November 11th, 2024 at 12:00 PM.

Public comments must be emailed by November 11, 2024 at 12:00pm by clicking here. Comments will be shared with BWCHA’s Board of Commissioners during the public hearing.

2025 BHA Schedule of Charges Public Comment315.77 KB DownloadPreview

Media Alert

DATE: June 11, 2024

Brien Thane
Executive Director

Lindsay Burmeister
HR / Executive Services Manager
(360) 715-7330



SUBJECT: Notice is hereby given that three (3) or more Commissioners of the Bellingham Whatcom County Housing Authority may attend the Bellingham Housing Authority Samish Commons Grand Opening this Friday, details below:

Samish Commons Grand Opening
Friday, June 14 @ 11:30am
321 N Samish Way, Bellingham, WA 98225

No formal action will be taken by the Commission during this event.

Landlord Webinar

Bellingham Housing Authority Presents:

An Educational Webinar on the Landlord Aspect of the Housing Choice Voucher Program

Bellingham Housing Authority is welcoming all landlords, leasing agents, and property managers to an “Hour of Power” where we will be discussing topics from the landlords perspective when it comes to working with the Housing Choice Voucher Program in our local Whatcom County!

Please join us on August 23, 2023 at 2PM Pacific Time

For a link to the Zoom Webinar, please email our Landlord Liaison before the 23rd to receive an invite. Email Landlord Liaison, click here.

Interested in Learning More about Partnering with Whatcom County Housing Agencies? Please sign up for our News Letter in partnership with Whatcom Landlords and Housing Professionals Community Group. Whatcom Landlords & Housing Professionals Interest Form (

We’ve Moved!

Attention Housing Authority Participants, Tenants, Applicants, & Partners:

The Bellingham and Whatcom County Housing Authority is excited to announce that we are moving administrative offices.  Our office located at 208 Unity Street in Bellingham, WA will permanently close on June 23, 2023, and the new office will be located at 333 N Samish Way in Bellingham, WA.   Our team will continue to be available by appointment only, and a document drop box will be available at the new location.  Our phone number will remain (360) 676-6887 and mailing address PO Box 9701 Bellingham, WA 98227.

New Address:
333 N. Samish Way
Bellingham, WA 98225

Mailing Address (unchanged):
PO Box 9701
Bellingham, WA 98227-9701

Phone (unchanged):
(360) 676-6887

Commissioner Candidate Search


Candidate Sought for the Housing Authority of the City of Bellingham Board of Commissioners

The City of Bellingham Housing Authority (BHA) is currently seeking one new commissioner for the Board of Commissioners. The vacancy can be either an at-large or resident (client) position.

The combined Boards of the City of Bellingham Housing Authority and the Whatcom County Housing Authority consists of five members, one of which is a resident position.  Of these, three members are named by the City of Bellingham Mayor.  The Commissioners are the governing bodies for both housing authorities and are responsible for approving decisions that chart the direction of current and future programs, and authorize the actions of the Executive Director and his designees.

Regular Board meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m.  Commissioners serve five-year terms and receive no financial compensation for their service on the Board.

To be eligible for appointment, candidates must be residents of the City of Bellingham and be at least 18 years old.  In addition to these requirements, it is highly desirable that candidates possess one or more of the following qualifications:

  1. Commitment to BHA’s mission to offer opportunities for people to thrive by ensuring access to quality, affordable homes;
  2. Familiarity with the needs, conditions, and services available to lower income residents of Bellingham;
  3. Experience developing, implementing, and monitoring public policy;
  4. Knowledge and expertise concerning the successful administration of mid to large business, non-profit, or governmental entities and have served in a management position within such an entity;
  5. Knowledge and expertise concerning community development programs and issues;
  6. Knowledge and expertise concerning affordable housing programs and issues.

To be considered for appointment by the Mayor, please send a letter of interest and resume to:

Executive Services Manager
208 Unity Street
Bellingham, WA 98225

or by email at [email protected].

An application must also be submitted through the City website at

Your letter of interest should address:

  • Your desire and willingness to serve on the Bellingham Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and indicating the strengths that you would bring to the Housing Authority’s Board;
  • A brief record of your personal history and experience which highlights any of the above listed qualifications possessed.

Please also include with your submittal:

  • Proof of City of Bellingham residency (Provide 2 of the following: a copy of your driver’s license; voter registration card; utility bill; rent receipt; or verifiable lease agreement.)
  • The names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references.

This information can be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or hand delivered to:

Bellingham & Whatcom County Housing Authorities
208 Unity Street
Bellingham, WA 98225

Fax: 360-676-7747

[email protected]

An application shall have been deemed to have been transmitted if all required information has been delivered by fax, e-mail, or by hand to the Bellingham Housing Authority or deposited in the United States mail as registered or certified mail. This position will remain open until filled.**

The Board will review all applications and applicants will be notified concerning the status of their applications and subsequent steps in the Board’s recruitment effort. After clearing the initial evaluation phase, candidates should be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Have you had a civil judgment levied against you in the past five years?
  2. Have you been convicted of a criminal violation?
  3. Are you currently involved in either civil or criminal litigation?
  4. Have you been disbarred from practicing law or had your license to practice a profession suspended or revoked?
  5. Are you current on your taxes and other regulatory filings?
  6. Is there anything that the Board should know about you that has the potential for causing embarrassment to the citizens of the City of Bellingham if you were selected to serve on the Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners?
  7. If you answered “Yes” to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6, please explain why you should be considered for appointment to the City of Bellingham Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners.

Applicants must be prepared to provide verification of all information included in their application materials.


**Deadline updated 4/18/2023